Spring 2025, Malmö
Production of Av jord är du kommen - a mixed reality walk for cemeteries.
28 November 2024, Malmö
Exhibition & Talk about the process of creating Med vind i håret, at the event New Constellations in Art and Design Research, 28 nov 2024 at 16:00-20:00, Media Evolution, Stora Varvsgatan 6a, Malmö. Hosted by the Arts Based Research group at Malmö University.
17-19 October 2024, Stockholm
Presenting a lecture performance in the format of a mixed reality walk -about composition practices for mixed reality walks - at the artistic research conference Alliances and Commonalities at Stockholm University of the Arts, Stockholm
27 September - 4 October 2024, Malmö
Hedemyr is exhibiting 3 new works at the 123 Playtime Exhibition at Inter Arts Center (IAC) in Malmö, part of Malmö Gallerihelg: Med vind i håret, What to Keep, and Your Tough Love Friend - a therapy bot.
7 September - 4 October 2024, Skåne
Med vind i håret, an interactive mixed reality experience, is available at 10 different outdoor locations in the landscape in Skåne. Presented by Sjöbo Konsthall, part of Biosfärfestivalen 2024.
7 September 2024, Gårdstånga
Opening of Med vind i håret, an interactive mixed reality experience about the movements in the landscape around Lake Vombsjön. Commissioned by Sjöbo Konsthall and Biosphere Reserve Storkriket.
7-28 July 2024, Copenhagen
Artist residency at Metropolis - festival for art and performance in public space, working on the development of Av jord är du kommen (Ashes to Ashes), a Danish/English version.
26 July 2024 at 14:30: Public sharing at Holmens Kirkegård, Copenhagen.
30 May 2023, Malmö
A first public test of the pilot Av jord är du kommen (Ashes to Ashes), a mixed reality walk for graveyards. Thursday 30 May 2024 at 17-19 (drop in) at Gamla Kyrkogården, address Gustav Adolfs torg 3, 211 39 Malmö. Language: Swedish. No need to sign up, just come by. More info: marikahedemyr.com/av-jord
November 2023 - September 2024, Malmö
Participating artist in the program 123 Playtime, run by Inter Arts Center (IAC) in Malmö. Within the program 11 selected artists and cultural heritage professionals explore game-based approaches in art making, developing works that will be presented at an exhibition in September 2024.
12 December 2023 - 29 February 2024, Malmö
Visiting artist at Inter Arts Center (IAC) for research and development of a pilot for a new mixed reality walk for graveyards, with the working title Av jord är du kommen. More info about the project at IAC web page.
4-6 December 2023
Residency at Dancentrum Syd in Malmö as part of their program Dans+Spel, developing a new mixed reality work.
27 November 2023
Guest lecturer at Hyper Island, lecture and workshop on artistic perspectives on AR/MR/XR and immersive storytelling, for the students at the Content Developer Program.
13 October 2023
Announcement of the award Best PhD Thesis of the year at Malmö University, to which Marika Hedemyr’s thesis is nominated (five nominated, the best from each faculty, two receives the prize). At Malmö Live, part of Malmö University Annual Academic Ceremony.
29 September 2023
Hedemyr presents her concept of site specific Mixed Reality Walks for DART - Dance Art Network, a network for Skåne-based art venues and dance artistis, at Inter Art Center /Danscentrum Syd, Malmö.
16-18 August 2023, Bergen
Presenting paper at the conference NordMedia 2023: Technological Takover? Social and Cultural Implications - Promises and Pitfalls, as part of the division “Sensory and Immersive Extended Reality”. Bergen, Norway.
14 May 2023
Marika Hedemyr receives the award “Best PhD thesis of the Faculty of Culture & Society 2023”, for her thesis Mixed Reality in Public Space.
24 March 2023, 1-5 pm
PhD Dissertation Defence, Malmö University, School of Arts and Communication. The defence is open to the public, no registration required. Welcome to attend via live stream or in person in auditorium D138 in Orkanen, Nordenskiöldsgatan 10, Malmö. More info and live stream link: mau.se/en/calendar/disputation--marika-hedemyr. Dissertation title: Mixed Reality in Public Space: Expanding Composition Practices in Choreography and Interaction Design.
October 2022
October 6, 2022: Guest lecturing about my art practice at the Immersive Experience Creator program at Futuregames in Stockholm, presenting A Choreographic Approach to Mixed Reality in Public Space.
Autumn 2022
Writing period for the PhD Thesis, and visiting exhibitions and symposiums for inspiration, for example Documenta Fifteen in Kassel in September, and Immersive Days at InterArt Center in Malmö in November.
August 12, 2022: “Varför mixed reality-performance på offentliga platser? Vadå koreografi?” A lecture performance with Marika Hedemyr, at Dansstationen/Palladium Malmö, at 19.00. Part of Plattform and the opening of Malmöfestivalen.
June 18−23, 2022: Presenting paper and ongoing work at 15th NOFOD Conference: Moving, relating, commanding. Choreographies for bodies, identities and ecologies.
June 7, 2022: Marika Hedemyr 90% PhD Seminar, at 15.15-17.00 (Malmö time)
Title: Mixed Reality in Public Space: Expanding Composition Practices Across Choreography and Interaction Design
Discussant: Jeffrey Bardzell, Professor of Information Sciences and Technology, Penn State, Pennsylvania, USA.
No sign up needed. It will be a hybrid seminar. To attend, please either join online via zoom, or come to K3 Studio (NiC 0541) in the Niagara building, floor 5, Nordenskiöldsgatan 1, Malmö. Part of K3 Research Seminars.
Spring 2022
Writing period for the PhD Thesis
December 1, 2021: Participate in Master Class with Shannon Jackson, researcher in residence at Inter Art Center, Malmö.
November 24−25, 2021: Articulations: Symposium on Artistic Research, at Inkonst, Malmö. Hedemyr gives opening talk together with professor Maria Hellström Reimer, and is moderator at keynote, workshop and panels. The symposium is organised by The Swedish Research Council, School of Arts and Communication (K3) and Inkonst.
August 21−26, 2021: Participate in Research Academy 2021: Futures of Liveness. Artistic research lab at Zürcher Hochschule der Künste, Institute for the Performing Arts and Film on digital forms of liveness. With professor Philip Auslander and Gunter Lösel. Hedemyr is selected as one of 12 participants.
August 15−18, 2021: Participating in the The 9th Nordes Design Research conference at Kolding, Denmark, on the topic Matters of Scale.
May 27−30, 2021: Presenting ongoing PhD research on mixed reality in public space at Southern Swedish Design Days in Malmö
May 8−13, 2021: Participating at the conference CHI 2021 - Making Waves, Combining Strengths, a ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Yokohama Japan and digitally. Presenting the paper Tracing Concpetions of the Body in HCI: From User to More-Than Human, co authored with Sarah Homewood, Maja Fagerberg Ranten and Susan Kozel.
May 5−7, 2021: Giving a talk on artistic practice: “Mixed Reality − Att göra tid och rum elastiska, öppna fantasin och bredda perspektiven” at Nätverksträff för Immersiva Medier, at Malmö Museer (and on Zoom), organised by Riksantikvarieämbetet, The Swedish National Heritage Board.
Spring 2021
Writing period for the PhD Thesis
November 11, 2020: 50% PhD Seminar via Zoom at Malmö University. More details and zoom-link available at marikahedemyr.com/phd-research-project, and at the program for K3 Research Seminar Series Fall 2020.
October 7, 2020: Presenting the project ENTER Mölndal at Nätverksträff för Immersiva Medier, a conference 6−7 October 2020 organised by The Swedish National Heritage Board, held digitally on Zoom. Presentation together with Jacob Michelsen, creative technologist at RISE, Christine Caux Gustafsson, curator at Mölndal Stadsmuseum, and Clara Vollrathson, communication officer at Mölndal Stadsmuseum.
Writing period for the PhD in Interaction Design at at School of Arts and Communication (K3) − Malmö University.
February 8, 2020: Invited to Fest En Fest 2020 – Expanded Choreography Festival in London to do a Dansbar: Dansbaren: Rush Hour Knowledge? A talk with Ingrid Cogne and Marika Hedemyr. Saturday 8 February 2020 4:30−6:00 pm Goldsmiths MFA Fine Arts Studios, London (SE8 4RZ).
January 30 − February 2, 2020: Attending the 33d festival edition of Transmediale 2020 - End to End in Berlin.
Co-teaches part time in the MA-course Embodied Interaction with professor Susan Kozel at Malmö University, School of Arts and Communication.
October 16−18, 2019: At the symposium The Future of Art in Perpetually Restructuring Cities, Valand Academy Gothenburg University, Sweden as invited speaker and artist. Next to You at Korsvägen is part of the program and Hedemyr is presenting a new version of the lecture performance How to Eat a Cannibal during the symposium.
September 12, 2019: Giving seminar on Public Space and Site Specific Performance for MA students at the Academy of Music and Drama in Göteborg, Sweden.
September 6−9, 2019: Attending Ars Electronica 2019 - Festival for Art, Technology and Society in Linz, Austria.
September 5, 2019: At Arkitekturdagarna 2019 at Form/Design Center in Malmö Sweden. Part of the panel on Stadsrum, digitalisering och upplevelse presenting How to Activate a Place with Mixed Reality Walks, representing Malmö University, School of Arts and Communication together with associate professor Simon Niedenthal, and senior lecturer Per Linde.
June 2−4. 2019: At Nordes 2019 - Who Cares? 8th biannual Nordic Design Research Society (Nordes) conference, Aalto University, Finland. Presenting the ongoing PhD research at the Doctoral Consortium on Sunday June 2, 2019.
May 13, 2019: At Nationell Humanistisk Fakultetskonferens, at Malmö University, Sweden. Presenting and introducing the Faculty of Culture and Society at Malmö University: Kultur och samhälle - en tvärvetenskaplig fakultetet.
May 9−10, 2019: At The Artists’ Research Lab: On the Notion of Practice, Dansehallerne, Copenhagen, Denmark. Presenting the ongoing PhD research that departs from Hedemyr’s mixed reality walks.
April 26, 2019: ENTER Mölndal Re-launch & ENTER Mölndal Branschdag − A day for the profession.
April 24-25, 2019: At Digikult in Göteborg, Sweden, a nordic conference on digital heritage: On Wednesday April 24, presenting ENTER Mölndal – Nya former för digital gestaltning och förmedling av kulturmiljöplatser. Marika Hedemyr, koreograf och Cajsa Lagerkvist, museichef på Mölndals stadsmuseum.
April 10, 2019: At Museernas Vårmöte 2019 in Östersund, Sweden. Presenting Digitala möjligheter post Pokemon go: ENTER Mölndal – upplev platsen genom din mobil. By and with: Cajsa Lagerkvist − Mölndals stadsmuseum, Jacob Michelsen − RISE Interactive, Marika Hedemyr − Marika Hedemyr Projects.
Preparing for the update of ENTER Mölndal Mixed Reality Walks, with release in end of April 2019.
Writing period for the PhD in Interaction Design at at School of Arts and Communication (K3) - Malmö University.
Writing period for the PhD in Interaction Design at at School of Arts and Communication (K3) − Malmö University. Drawing on the experiences of creating the mixed reality walks Next to You at Korsvägen (2017) and ENTER Mölndal (2018).
October 22−November 9, 2018: Teaching at the Experimental Media Production course at the School of Arts and Communication at Malmö University, about how to create mixed reality works for public places.
September 20, 2018: Opening of ENTER Mölndal − Tulebosjön, a site specific mixed reality experience next to the lake Tulebosjön in Mölndal, Sweden. Comissioned by Mölndal City Museum.
At Internationale Tanzmesse NRW in Düsseldorf 29 August − 1 September 2018. Marika Hedemyr is present at Booth 61 together with the Made In the Nordic Countries choreographers and companies.
Opening of ENTER Mölndal - Kvarnbyn, a site specific mixed reality walk at Kvarnbyn, Mölndal, Sweden. The work is web based and available at: entermolndal.se
Comissioned by Mölndal City Museum.
April 11−13
At To Be Archived - An event to mark the end of the Living Archives Research Project, Malmö Konstmuseum. On Friday 13 April Hedemyr presents her ongoing work with the AR-project ENTER Mölndal.
March 22−24
At Nordic Urban Lab 2018 in Helsinki.
Developing three site-specific mixed reality works comissioned by Mölndal City Museum, and the project ENTER Mölndal.
Spring 2018
Curating program celebrating K3 20 years:
In autumn 2018 four public talks and events will be held in the Malmö region to celebrate that K3 – The School of Arts and Communication at Malmö University – is turning 20 years. Through the lens of K3's past, present and future, we will create an exploratory discussion and opportunity for exchange of ideas about current issues raised at K3 and other social actors. The program is curated by Alicia Smedberg and Marika Hedemyr, PhD students at K3. During spring 2018 we will develop the themes and seek partners.
October 13
Göteborgs Kulturnatta presents Next to You at Korsvägen.
October 11
Artist talk: Marika Hedemyr at Museum of World Culture, Göteborg
Meet the artist behind Next to You at Korsvägen − Marika Hedemyr, in a conversation with Klas Grinell, research coordinator and intendent for the Museum of World Culture's exhibition Crossroads.
October 5−6
At Cultural Heritage and Game Technology - Kulturarvseminarium 2017, Skövde. Presenting the project Enter Mölndal, mixed reality walks with planned premiere May 2018 in Mölndal.
September 10
Artist talk with Marika Hedemyr and Mona el Gammal at Konstepidemin, GIBCA Extended - Göteborg International Biennial for Contemporary Art.
September 6 − November 19
Next to You at Korsvägen presented as part of GIBCA Extended - Göteborg International Biennial for Contemporary Art.
September 6
Opening of Next to You at Korsvägen, a mixed reality walk by Marika Hedemyr. Find out more at nexttoyou.art
June 16
At NORDES - the 7th Nordic Design Research Conference DESIGN & POWER, Oslo, Norway. Presenting the paper "Why does ”participatory” make me shiver? Proposing a decolonial practice for participatory work "
June 15
At the 13th NOFOD Conference DANCE & DEMOCRACY, Gothenburg.
DANSBAREN: Knowledge in Movement - Movement of Knowledge. A round table discussion with Marika Hedemyr and Ingrid Cogne.
June 14
International release of the publication/tool Dansbaren - The Mob without Flash (2016) edited by Ingrid Cogne and Marika Hedemyr at the on-line bookshop Unbound (LADA) in UK.
May 11
At The International Science Festival Gothenburg:
Lecture / conversation with Marika Hedemyr and Jacob Michelsen. What can new technology do for new artistic expressions? We will share the process of Next to You at Korsvägen (opening September 2017), a digital multi media and AR work that is experienced via a mobile phone in a public place.
Gets enrolled for a PhD in Interaction Design at the School of Arts and Culture (K3) at Malmö University, Sweden.
Release of the book Art and the City: Worlding the Discussion through a Critical Artscape, published by Routledge (2017) in which Marika Hedemyr has contributed a chapter. She is writing about performative art in public space, using her project The Event Series as an example.
Developing Next to You at Korsvägen