Interactive Mixed Reality Experience (2024)
Do you travel through the landscape like a horse, cow, EPA tractor or perhaps like a rippling water?
Welcome to experience an interactive sculpture created for the biosphere reserve and the landscape around Lake Vombsjön in Skåne: An outdoor experience you see and hear via your mobile phone, about the movements in the landscape where asphalt meets meadow.
Med vind i håret (With the Wind in our Hair) is located in 10 different places in Storkriket Skåne and is available via your mobile around the clock 7 September - 4 October 2024, via the free app Meadow.
How to experience the work
To experience the work, you need a smartphone with an internet connection (charged, the experience is a bit battery draining but energising!)
1) Download the free Meadow app: https://www.untold.garden/meadow
2) Go to one of the places where the work is located - you see the locations on the map in the app.
3) Once there, launch the Meadow app and open the experience: click on the title ‘Med vind i håret’, or go to the map and click on the symbol - a horse. Tap on Open the experience.
4) Stay in the experience as long as you want.
5) Tip: The experience is best viewed in shadow or twilight. Try to avoid bright light.
Mobile phone tips
This work uses the very latest Augmented Reality technology, which requires a recent smartphone (manufactured in 2018 or later), with enough space to download the app (about 230 MB) and a reasonably healthy battery. It works on iPhone 8 and later, and on most Android phones. More phone tips are found at Sjöbo Konsthall web page.
Locations where Med vind i håret is placed and can be experienced, free of charge
In the landscape in Skåne 7 september - 4 October 2024, part of Biosfärfestivalen 2024:
Gårdstånga Föreningsgården och IP vid fotbollsplanerna
Sjöbo Gamla torg
Övedskloster, the courtyard and the park. Please note - only during opening hours 9-16.
Badplatsen vid Vombsjön
Vollsjö Säkra slingan
Sjöbo Golfklubb
Blentarp Storkhägn Hemmestorps Mölla
Harlösa Donationshus
In Mandelparken Malmö 27 Sept - 4 Oct 2024, part of the 123 Playtime Exhibition at Inter Arts Center (IAC):
Mandelparken (the small park opposite St Knuts torg, at the corner Spångatan and Helsingborgsgatan) Meet the artist on location at Mandelparken every day at 15:00-16:00, the following dates: Sat 28 sept, Sun 29 Sept, Monday 30 Sept, Tues 1 Oct, Wed 2 Oct, Thur 3 Oct.
Indoor exhibition installation about the work: At Inter Arts Center (IAC), Bergsgatan 29, Malmö. Info and opening hours: 123 Playtime Exhibition.
Idea, concept and direction: Marika Hedemyr
Creative Technologist: Jakob Skote/Untold Garden
Ass. Creative Technologist: Margot Edström/Inter Arts Center
Sound: Helena Persson
Technology developed by: Untold Garden
Commissioned by: Sjöbo konsthall and Biosphere Reserve Storkriket
Produced by: Sjöbo konsthall
Curator: Kristina Buhrgard
Presented at: Sjöbo Konsthall. Biosfärfestivalen 7-15 September 2024. Sjöbo Kulturfest 14 September 2024. 123 Playtime Exhibition at Inter Arts Center (IAC) 27 Sept - 4 Oct 2024.
Length: 5-20 min. You can stay as long as you want in the experience.
Premiere: 7 September 2024, at 10 locations in Skåne
Artistic startingpoints
When I spent time in the region around Vombsjön (Lake Vombsjön) I was struck by all the movements and motions here - the waterm, the wind, the kettle, the machines, the insects. In the process explored how I could create an experience that enabled the audience to feel being part of these constantly ongoing trevels across the landscape, bien part of the biosphere where we co-exist.
— Marika Hedemyr