Mixed Reality Walk (2019)

ENTER Mölndal - Kvarnbyn

Experience the place through your mobile phone

ENTER Mölndal - Kvarnbyn is a mixed reality walk and an interactive experience. Through your mobile you open windows to the history. You get right into the flow of changes and experience Kvarnbyn through voices and stories from different times.

Enter the walk at: https://entermolndal.se

The walk is site specific and made for being experienced at the location with a smartphone and headphones. It can be accessed via the website above and started at a computer, smartphone or tablet.

Concept, script, director: Marika Hedemyr
Creative Technologist: Jacob Michelsen, RISE Interactive
Sound: Helena Persson
Graphic Design: Claes Pettersson
Film: Archival footage from Mölndals Stadsarkiv, Thomas Erdegard Drönartjänst, Marika Hedemyr
Film Editing: Pontus Hjortén
Voices: Siri Hanbert, Marika Hedemyr, Linda Hellström, Anna Fallström, Mikael Fjelldal, Franck Olofsson, Jan Sandberg, Miranda Törnqvist, Olivia Törnqvist
Museum of Mölndal: Cajsa Lagerkvist, Ulla Hasselqvist, Christine Caux Gustafsson and staff at the department of Museum, Art and Culture
Programming assistent: Emil Berzén, Jakob Kallin
Sound technician: Anton Hedlund
360 image editing: Loan Stekla

Produced by: Museum of Mölndal in collaboration with RISE Interactive and Marika Hedemyr Projects
With support by: Torsten Söderbergs Stiftelse

Premiere: 16 June 2018, at Kvarnbyn in Mölndal, Sweden. Relaunch of an updated edition 26 April 2019.